Monday, April 19, 2010

The independence day is here. This is the day that usually throws me into somewhat confused state of mind. My country is 62 and I am proud, because I and many other people I know consider Israel the ultimate miracle, populated by wonderful and loving people. I could have mentioned many reasons for my pride, but that would be unnecessary since my country is so proficient in touting its own achievements. However, I find it hard to forget millions of other people who consider Israel to be the ultimate evil, conceived by the ailing minds of the European colonialists, worshiping violence and hellbent on killing people and stealing their future. The reasons for this are obvious too. They have remained in the minds of millions of people as flares on the TV screens, showing footage from Gaza and the West Bank. How can one reconcile these so obvious proofs of the two contradictory propositions? And even more importantly, what shall I do with them personally?

Of course, human beings cannot live with their minds split. They have to  make choices. I have made mine. I don't know whether this choice is right. I cannot advise anyone on what he or she ought to do. However, I can wish the people of Israel that one day we can live without the need to justify ourselves to friends and foes and most importantly to ourselves, that one day we can say what we really think and not what we have to in accordance to our narrow path of cognitive dissonance avoidance strategy, which causes us to like inept and criminal presidents and to seek friendship with dark regimes. I am not sure how exactly it may be achieved, but one thing comes to mind: we all have to consider the implications of our choices. I hope that this new year of my state will be the year of the responsible choices both by the citizens of Israel and its government. And also I hope the outcome of these choices will let us next year be proud of our state, without feeling guilty about this pride.

Happy independence day!

1 comment:

TB said...

Interesting thoughts, Dan. Have you happened to see this video?